Frequently Asked Questions

I figure things out on my own, does hiring a coach signify weakness?

In the world of sport performance it is inconceivable for a sports professional not to engage with a coach. Masters of their craft do not get there alone nor do they presume to know everything, we are all work in progress. If you are curious about your untapped resources, if you want more of a stretch, or to develop your mindset and capabilities as a high-potential performer coaching provides valuable structure to leadership and wellbeing conversations.

You choose the focus of the conversation as we set goals and aims about what really matters to you. I listen and may contribute observations and questions as well as concepts and principles which can assist in generating possibilities and identifying actions to take forward. The precious thinking and evaluating time noticing how you do and say things will bring the greatest awareness and tangible results on improved communication, better relationships, decrease stress, more control or congruent decision making.

What do we talk about?

How does it work?

Book an initial discovery session to explore how we’ll work together, we’ll set professional boundaries for the relationship and agree the desired outcomes. Based on the discovery session outcomes, we’ll agree what package is more suitable to your needs, a Coaching Agreement is then signed. I find that investing in blocks of sessions work best so we set a deadline, more sessions can be added as needed.


Three 60 Minute Sessions​

For an access route into coaching, if you know your goal & want a hand in getting focused.


Six 60 Minute Sessions​

To commit to a longer-term development plan to develop leadership or personal performance.


Nine 60 Minute Sessions​

To build on learning and deliver both long-term plans and short-term complex projects

Neuro Linguistic Programming

Why chose an ANLP Trainer Member?

An ANLP Trainer Member is committed to delivering the highest quality NLP and to act in an accountable, ethical and responsible way, they have the appropriate knowledge, certifications and skill sets you want, that they are trustworthy.

Because NLP allows you to understand language and thoughts beyond behaviour, you have access to tools to become a better version of you and find out when you are at your best. This means you elevate your communication with a team or yourself, it means seeing different perspective and interacting with yourself and others in meetings or at home that make a tangible difference to your success and those around you.

What are the benefits of NLP?

What is NLP based on?

NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming grew out of the work of academic linguist John Grinder and student Richard Bandler in California in the 1970s. They looked at the language and strategies employed by three great therapists, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson

Picking through hours of video and audio tapes of their sessions, what emerged is these three main patterns of behaviour found in successful communication:

· To know what you want.

· To be flexible enough to try different things to achieve it.

· To have enough ’sensory acuity’ to notice what is happening when it is or isn’t happening.

The Reconsolidation Of Traumatic Memories Protocol​

What is the RTM Protocol?

RTM© is a non-traumatic, non-drug cognitive treatment that removes nightmares, flashbacks, eliminates re-living stressful events, including negative physical reactions like sweating, muscular tensions and heart pounding, reduces hypervigilance and directly related emotional problems of PTS in three or four treatments.

It has been shown to remit PTSD diagnosis, nightmares and flashback symptoms for over 90% of those treated.

The RTM© Protocol, an emerging evidentiary treatment, stems from the work of Dr. Frank Bourke PhD during his successful treatment of PTSD survivors of 911. There have been one pilot study and four replication studies completed at the end of 2019. All have had over a 90% success rate. The neurological pre-post study at the University of New Mexico has shown significant neurological changes in subject’s EEG’s before and after treatment. The early clinical studies of the protocol have now aided the world’s first Randomised Control Trial, testing the protocol against Trauma Focussed CBT in Belfast.

What’s the Origin and Progress to Date?

What Will I Be Doing in RTM?

 It is best described as a relaxed reimaging procedure, it uses a short visualisation process to retrieve and alter traumatic memories.

Over approximately 3-4 individual treatment sessions, you will:

…be asked about flashbacks and nightmares and trauma related events in a way that is non traumatizing

…be given directions that will help you stay calm and relaxed

…practice the visual formats that are key to the RTM process

…learn how to create dissociation and get distance from the event

…notice how the physical sensations related to the events decrease during each session

…find the RTM Protocol steps easier and easier to do with each session.